Possible Fitness Magazine Titles

Fitness Magazine:

After very careful consideration, I have decided to continue my research in order to make the correct decision when it comes to a magazine topic. I will now begin to identify any possible fitness magazine titles and describe why they would be a good fit for the given topic. The titles that I will be creating will cover several aspects of the fitness world and I will provide a description of them.

Fitness Titles:

  • Health and Fitness: Health is a fitness magazine that is appropriate for all readers. Anything having to do with leading a strong, productive life is contained within, including diet advice, workouts, and informative articles. It is the definition of the universal fitness magazine title and it is the title that will ideally attract the most readers due to its general nature.

  • Men's Health: This is a very common Fitness magazine title and can be used for virtually any fitness magazine. The versatility of this title makes it a popular choice in fitness magazines. Since it is such a general title, all areas of fitness can be covered no matter the topic. This topic, however, is geared towards males, hence the name "Men's Health". One may choose this title in order to attract the most people's attention because every man in the fitness world will technically apply to this title.

  • Women's Health: This magazine title shares the same perks as the previous title. It has the same exact benefits with the exception of it being geared towards women. The title, however, remains just as versatile as it is for men and can cover any areas of health and fitness. This title also can be used in order to gain the most interest of women in the fitness world.

  • Runner's World: This magazine is different from the above three because it is the first that I mention that does not apply to the vast majority of fitness people. It is a branch of fitness because it applies to those who enjoy the activity of running, its products, and even those who compete professionally. This is a very good title for those individuals who enjoy the activity of running, compete, run marathons, or even just want comfortable shoes for walking. Although this title is not as broad as the previous, it is still very popular and can be used in order to gain a large number of readers with the target of running in mind.

  • Muscle and Fitness: Like the above title, this title is also not a general as the first three. It however still applies to a great number of people. This magazine can be said to apply to those "gym" men and women. This title is for those individuals who workout and may even apply to running however it is not generally directed at just runners. In this magazine, you will be able to find topics such as protein products, ab routines, workout routines, ways to gain muscle, maintain muscle, and even gym memberships.

References: Top 10 Fitness Magazines. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.allyoucanread.com/top-10-fitness-magazines/.


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