Possible Color Schemes for Automobile Magazine (pt1)

Automobile Magazine

Now that everything regarding color scheme has been established for the fitness magazine, it is now time to do the same for the automobile magazine. The automobile magazine will, however, be very different than that of the fitness magazines. This is because we are dealing with a completely different type of magazine. Cars are inanimate objects, therefore, the process of taking pictures is different than that of fitness magazines. Instead of focusing on the poses and clothing of the picture, we must consider the angles and colors of the vehicles. The size and type of vehicle will also have a great influence on the color scheme of the magazine. I will describe many possibilities in vehicles and establish the best color schemes to match that theme because there are many factors that will affect the color scheme.

Possible Color Schemes

Car types

One very important factor that may affect the color scheme that should be used is the type of car that is being used. What is meant by "Type" is the functionality of the car or what it was meant to do. The types of cars that I will discuss are as follow:

Daily Drivers:

Resultado de imagen para honda civic

Resultado de imagen para toyota corolla
Cars such as the Honda Civic and Toyota Corolla are cars that fall within this Daily Driver category. They provide reliability without any exclusive performance or luxury so they are one of the most common cars in the market. Their price make them an even better choice amongst people. Possible color schemes for these types of cars are:

  • Blue background and any complimentary text color
  • Red background and any complimentary text color
  • Black background and any complimentary text color
  • White background and any complimentary Background
Muscle Cars:

Resultado de imagen para Muscle cars

Resultado de imagen para Muscle cars

Unlike the daily drivers, these cars are more geared towards appearance and performance. These cars are a very popular choice amongst car enthusiasts especially in the united states since these cars are American vehicles. Because they establish a much more aggressive theme, the color scheme of these vehicles should also be different from that of the daily drivers.

  • Red background and Black Text
  • Red background and Blue text
  • Red background and Text That Matches The Vehicle Color 
  • Black background and Yellow Text
  • Black Background and Red Text
  • Black Background and Text That Matches The Vehicle Color
  • Other colors may apply depending on the color of the car


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