Representation in Media

Representation in Media:

Before moving on to my final decision on a topic between fitness and automobiles, I must first consider what I am trying to accomplish through my magazine and the purpose and goal I have in mind. In order to understand all of this, I must understand media as a whole. Media holds the key to all of these answers. Most aspects of media have been covered in my blogs, however, I have yet to cover the influence that media poses on society and groups of people. Usually when making a magazine, one will focus on what people will like to see, but will not pay attention to how this will affect them. Media is, after all, such an important factor in today's day and age, and while a simple magazine may not seem like it causes much influence, It actually does. Representation is a very important factor of how individuals interpret events and societal groups and can be developed in the form of beliefs that are later considered to be correct. Throughout history, there have been several theories established that cover the influence media poses on society and I believe it is crucial to understand this before I make my decision. In my next posts, I will be covering 4 of these theories.

  • Agenda Setting Function Theory
  • Media reinforcement theory
  • The Two-Step Flow Theory
  • The Hypodermic Needle Theory


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