Influence of Media Pt.5 (Representation)


This is the final blog on how media has an influence on society. However, this blog is not composed of a theory, instead, it is the term representation. Representation refers to the idea that everything that is heard or seen has been constructed. According to Brett Lamb, "Representations themselves can take many forms such as radio segments, newspaper articles, photographs, films and television programs. Just about everything you see in the media is a representation of something. Every day we’re inundated with representations of people, events and ideas. While some media representations – like television news and documentary film – may seem realistic, we have to remember that they’re just constructions. At best, the media can only represent reality. What we see on our television screens or on the front page of our daily newspapers is someone else’s interpretation of reality." This applies to absolutely everything in media. For example, when viewing your favorite actor in the front cover of a magazine, you are not seeing that actual actor. Instead, you are viewing a constructed picture of that person.


Lamb, B. (n.d.). Brett Lamb. Retrieved from


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