Possible Color Schemes for Automobile Magazine (pt3)

Possible Color Schemes for Automobile Magazine Part 3

Now that I have covered how these specific types of cars can affect the color scheme of the car, it is now time to discuss how other factors can affect the color scheme of the magazine as well. The factors that we discussed were generally based on the genre that a vehicle falls upon, but there are cars that can interchange between categories depending on these other factors:

Size of Cars

Small Cars:

Resultado de imagen para small cars

Resultado de imagen para mazda miata mx5

These cars can fall into any genre of cars whether it be daily drivers or supercars. This sets them apart in a wider category of cars and has its own sets of color schemes. Due to the fact that these cars are nimble and essentially lighter than the rest, they give off a less aggressive theme. This can affect the color scheme because less aggressive colors will look more appropriate. This does not mean that my previous analysis of color schemes should be disregarded. If a car is small and also a luxury, it does not mean that the silvers and gold cannot be applied.

  • Light backgrounds and dark text will look very good for this size car

Large Cars:

Resultado de imagen para mercedes g wagon

Resultado de imagen para trucks

These large vehicles are the complete opposite of the smaller cars. Unlike the smaller vehicles, these larger vehicles establish a much more aggressive theme and therefore should have an aggressive color scheme. Similar to the smaller cars, just because the car is large does not mean that my previous explanations should be disregarded. An example of this would be the Mercedes G Wagon in the above picture. It is a large vehicle yet still belongs to the luxury category. You may use the luxury color schemes that I established or you may use a more aggressive color scheme.

  • Red background and Black Text
  • Red background and Blue text
  • Red background and Text That Matches The Vehicle Color 
  • Black background and Yellow Text
  • Black Background and Red Text
  • Black Background and Text That Matches The Vehicle Color


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